Monday to Friday - Sophie is currently seeing all her clients online via Zoom. Sessions are 1 hour long and £85 and there is currently a waitlist. For more information or to be put on waitlist - please see 'Healing 1-1' or email Sophie directly.
Monday to Friday - Sophie is currently seeing all her clients online via Zoom. Sessions are 1 hour long and £85 and there is currently a waitlist. For more information or to be put on waitlist - please see 'Healing 1-1' or email Sophie directly.
Upcoming Classes, Retreats + Courses 2024...
Online Easter Class
Thursday 28th March
7.30-9pm, £20
The class will be recorded
We are at a stage of our Cosmic and Collective evolution, where we have not come here to ‘transcend’ the body, but to ‘descend’ the Light and Love of our Consciousness ‘down’ even more deeply into the body/our humanity - so that all can be uplifted back to it’s original divine blueprint…
I have shared and taught on this now many times, for many years - especially in my most recent workshop - ‘the Body is the Mystery School’, but we originally came to earth as Light - in our original Light Bodies, and then would leave as Light. Then as the egoic mind got denser/more fear-based (no judgment - nothing went ‘wrong’ - the ‘fall’ was also part of the game)- the body then started to become denser, limited and more carbon-based it’s structure and the Light of our Soul had to ‘incarnate’ into a body and then leave the body behind, when transitioning.
In the past - spiritual teachers who had reached a certain level of embodied Awakening - whose Light of their soul transfused and transfigured the cellular body back to it’s original divine Light - whilst in human form - would choose at the time of death/transition from this plane, whether they wanted to leave their body to be buried in the earth (so the earth could receive the healing Light they had accomplished in that lifetime) OR ‘ascend’ with their body.
This light body has been referred to throughout history - throughout many traditions and lineages - the resurrection body, the rainbow light body, the diamond body, the solar body and so much more.
Where as recently, it has just been a few people to attain this level of embodied realisation - we are now at a time in history where we are transitioning, on a grand scale, from our dense carbon-based limited DNA structure to a more infinite Light based one…from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous.
We are in the transition period of clearing out lifetimes of personal, collective and ancestral karma, distortion and programs on the level of the body/mind - we each chose to take on and experience - so we can all now experience a new way of being on this planet together (with the earth that is also ascending to a higher 5D way of being) - more aligned to our highest Truth and the deepest Love that we are - before the egoic mind made us believe anything other - we are literally transitioning into a new human!
This is the true meaning behind the symbolic journey of the ageless archetypal journey of the ‘crucifixion’/descent and ‘resurrection’/ ascent.
The crucifying of our egoic limited small self into the full permanent embodiment our true infinite Self - WHILST in human form.
This is not about escaping - this is not about transcending - this is about DESCENT!
Descending the Light and Love of our Consciousness ‘down’ into the darkest depths of this mind-made illusion so all distortion can be cleared, and uplifted back to it’s original divine blueprint, and we can ‘Ascend’/live as our highest expression on Earth.
This journey of Love and ‘descent’ is the ‘Feminine’ Path of Christ - the path of the Rose and the path of Embodied Love.
Awakening to the One that is beyond this mind - so we can bring this unconditional Love that You are ‘down’ to all the places that need us the most.
This is the 5th year I will be teaching an Easter class (my favourite time of year!) and the third year I will be teaching specifically on this topic of Cellular Enlightenment and the journey of Awakening of our Light body! (After my own Light body awakening 4 years ago- an ever-deepening journey). As more Light enters the planet, we are being called to Awaken to the Light we have always been, on a much deeper cellular level!
We are the ones that will embody the Golden Age from within.We are the ones we have been waiting for...
This class will be recorded. It will include an in-depth talk on this topic, time for Q + A and a deep guided meditation. All levels of experience welcome. Concession Ticket's available for £15 if need.
Please click on link below to buy ticket...
Online Easter Class
Thursday 28th March
7.30-9pm, £20
The class will be recorded
We are at a stage of our Cosmic and Collective evolution, where we have not come here to ‘transcend’ the body, but to ‘descend’ the Light and Love of our Consciousness ‘down’ even more deeply into the body/our humanity - so that all can be uplifted back to it’s original divine blueprint…
I have shared and taught on this now many times, for many years - especially in my most recent workshop - ‘the Body is the Mystery School’, but we originally came to earth as Light - in our original Light Bodies, and then would leave as Light. Then as the egoic mind got denser/more fear-based (no judgment - nothing went ‘wrong’ - the ‘fall’ was also part of the game)- the body then started to become denser, limited and more carbon-based it’s structure and the Light of our Soul had to ‘incarnate’ into a body and then leave the body behind, when transitioning.
In the past - spiritual teachers who had reached a certain level of embodied Awakening - whose Light of their soul transfused and transfigured the cellular body back to it’s original divine Light - whilst in human form - would choose at the time of death/transition from this plane, whether they wanted to leave their body to be buried in the earth (so the earth could receive the healing Light they had accomplished in that lifetime) OR ‘ascend’ with their body.
This light body has been referred to throughout history - throughout many traditions and lineages - the resurrection body, the rainbow light body, the diamond body, the solar body and so much more.
Where as recently, it has just been a few people to attain this level of embodied realisation - we are now at a time in history where we are transitioning, on a grand scale, from our dense carbon-based limited DNA structure to a more infinite Light based one…from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous.
We are in the transition period of clearing out lifetimes of personal, collective and ancestral karma, distortion and programs on the level of the body/mind - we each chose to take on and experience - so we can all now experience a new way of being on this planet together (with the earth that is also ascending to a higher 5D way of being) - more aligned to our highest Truth and the deepest Love that we are - before the egoic mind made us believe anything other - we are literally transitioning into a new human!
This is the true meaning behind the symbolic journey of the ageless archetypal journey of the ‘crucifixion’/descent and ‘resurrection’/ ascent.
The crucifying of our egoic limited small self into the full permanent embodiment our true infinite Self - WHILST in human form.
This is not about escaping - this is not about transcending - this is about DESCENT!
Descending the Light and Love of our Consciousness ‘down’ into the darkest depths of this mind-made illusion so all distortion can be cleared, and uplifted back to it’s original divine blueprint, and we can ‘Ascend’/live as our highest expression on Earth.
This journey of Love and ‘descent’ is the ‘Feminine’ Path of Christ - the path of the Rose and the path of Embodied Love.
Awakening to the One that is beyond this mind - so we can bring this unconditional Love that You are ‘down’ to all the places that need us the most.
This is the 5th year I will be teaching an Easter class (my favourite time of year!) and the third year I will be teaching specifically on this topic of Cellular Enlightenment and the journey of Awakening of our Light body! (After my own Light body awakening 4 years ago- an ever-deepening journey). As more Light enters the planet, we are being called to Awaken to the Light we have always been, on a much deeper cellular level!
We are the ones that will embody the Golden Age from within.We are the ones we have been waiting for...
This class will be recorded. It will include an in-depth talk on this topic, time for Q + A and a deep guided meditation. All levels of experience welcome. Concession Ticket's available for £15 if need.
Please click on link below to buy ticket...
Online Class
Date TBC
I taught this class a few years ago and quite a few people have sweetly asked for me to do another since - so here we are :) I have been ‘working’ with my dreams for 14 years now and can hand on heart say it has changed my life.
I moved to America due to my dreams, I created Heart of the Rose due to my dreams, I have healed illnesses through my dreams, I have seen so many future realities (that I have then come true) through my dreams, and been shown so many things that I will share more of during the class…
This class will be a sweet introduction to how you can start to work with, and also heal through your dreams.
How you can use your dreams to gain deeper clarity around certain situations, to connect more deeply to your Higher wisdom, intuition and inner-guidance. How you can use your dreams to heal the past (including karma from past lives) and work with/heal/clear and uplift future potential timelines.
Ultimately we will explore how you can understand the deeper meaning, guidance and symbolism of your dreams to help you heal and Awaken.
The class will include a group meditation, teaching and Q + A.
Many people say 'but I never dream' - this is not true - everyone dreams. It is simply that you don't remember - it is simply about making a conscious disciplined effort to remember and work with them - from this place a whole new incredible world can open up to you...the magic of the collective and personal unconscious.
I want to keep this class relatively small and intimate so we can go deeper with the questions – limited spaces available!
To book please private message me - [email protected]
*Disclaimer - I am not a dream specialist, I will be sharing my own personal experience over the last 14 years consciously working with my dreams and the miracles it has brought. I will also be sharing my experience as a psychotherapist and working with my clients and their dreams and all the experience I gained working with my dreams whilst mentoring under a very beautiful and powerful energy healer and shaman for over 10 years’.
Online Class
Date TBC
I taught this class a few years ago and quite a few people have sweetly asked for me to do another since - so here we are :) I have been ‘working’ with my dreams for 14 years now and can hand on heart say it has changed my life.
I moved to America due to my dreams, I created Heart of the Rose due to my dreams, I have healed illnesses through my dreams, I have seen so many future realities (that I have then come true) through my dreams, and been shown so many things that I will share more of during the class…
This class will be a sweet introduction to how you can start to work with, and also heal through your dreams.
How you can use your dreams to gain deeper clarity around certain situations, to connect more deeply to your Higher wisdom, intuition and inner-guidance. How you can use your dreams to heal the past (including karma from past lives) and work with/heal/clear and uplift future potential timelines.
Ultimately we will explore how you can understand the deeper meaning, guidance and symbolism of your dreams to help you heal and Awaken.
The class will include a group meditation, teaching and Q + A.
Many people say 'but I never dream' - this is not true - everyone dreams. It is simply that you don't remember - it is simply about making a conscious disciplined effort to remember and work with them - from this place a whole new incredible world can open up to you...the magic of the collective and personal unconscious.
I want to keep this class relatively small and intimate so we can go deeper with the questions – limited spaces available!
To book please private message me - [email protected]
*Disclaimer - I am not a dream specialist, I will be sharing my own personal experience over the last 14 years consciously working with my dreams and the miracles it has brought. I will also be sharing my experience as a psychotherapist and working with my clients and their dreams and all the experience I gained working with my dreams whilst mentoring under a very beautiful and powerful energy healer and shaman for over 10 years’.
Recent Classes, Retreats + Courses from 2023...
*Online 6-Week Course*
Online 6-Week Course
Thursday 9th November - 14th December, 2023
All levels of experience welcome + all classes will be recorded
I am so INCREDIBLY excited to share this course.
This is the 4th time I have run this 6 week course but due to popular demand I will be running it again before the end of the year.
Each time I run this course, I genuinely feel I am able to share even more deeply and vastly on each topic - as my own ever-widening understanding develops in this incarnation.
A never-ending journey of discovery, embodiment and Descent...
Understanding how we can Awaken to our infinite unlimited Being, beyond the personal 'mind' and then truly start to embody and bring this unconditional Love down into every single aspect, layer and veil of our humanity - so that all can start to be healed and uplifted back to it's original divine Blueprint.
Re-membering our inherent Multi-dimensional Nature and incredible Power, so that we can truly start to Master this current time/space reality, we have each chosen to incarnate/project into...
See in the past 'Awakening' has been predominantly 'transcendent' in nature.
God has been perceived to be 'separate' from matter and this world has been seen as somehow 'less than', and that to reach God we have been taught we need to 'transcend' it. Yet NOW we are called to collectively take the Awakening path of Embodiment and Descent, and to find God Here - to re-member God and this Body, God and Matter, God (that You are) and ALL of life can never be separate.
That only through 'thought' can this imaginary 'separation' occur.
For when we start to drop the layers of the conditioned 'mind' - we can start to experience all of life in it's truest essence - Love - and from that place all of life can start to be brought back into balance again...
And this is what the original Mystery School's would teach...the embodiment of our Infinite nature in this finite form...not Enlightenment 'beyond the body' but Enlightenment 'of the body' - true Cellular Awakening...clearing out the layers of density and distortion, so that divine Love can start to be restored in the Body and a permanent transfiguration/upgrade of our DNA can occur...
We are God consciousness projected into a limited thought - on a journey to re-member that which we have always been...
Our potential for global embodied Awakening on this planet has come, experiencing a quatumn leap in Consciousness, and truly creating ‘Heaven on Earth’ is finally here.
In truth it has aways been here - we are now just collectively choosing to align to that timeline.
This is a very deep, comic, powerful and integrated course of RE-MEMBRANCE.
I guarantee you will not be the same person by the end of these 6 weeks ;)
The course will run as follows…
Before moving into ‘time’ we will spend the first week, grounding and anchoring ourselves in the Timeless. Re-membering and truly experiencing the ground of our Being, unconditional Love and infinite Peace that lies inherent to every moment, beneath the narrative of the mind. This is one of the most important weeks that will create the template for the rest of the course…
After rooting in the Infinite - we will then turn towards the finite. This week will be an accumulation of my work as as psychotherapist - and understanding how from this place of deep Presence, we can start to move towards and work with our current incarnation, personal ‘story’, narratives, emotions, shadow aspects and trauma. How we can truly start to embrace and accept ALL aspects of our humanity, and come into an ever-deepening secure, loving, and healthy relationship with ourselves and ultimately the world…'the kindest thing'.
Through this class we will re-member and deeply experience this sacred Star Temple/inter-connected Earth body as both a symbolic expression of our current personal ‘self’ and unconscious, as well as an Impersonal, fully Awakened doorway to the Infinite. Through this class we will truly start to embody + ground this Awakening ‘down’ by truly experiencing this Holy pleasure vehicle as God/Love in expression. No longer a ‘transcendent’ form Awakening but true ‘cellular Enlightenment’.
Through this class we will be working on the level of the Soul - re-membering our Multi-dimensional nature that is currently experiencing, many lifetimes, incarnations, realties and timelines all within this Now. Subsequently exploring how we can start to easily work with, clear and re-balance the various contracts, vows, programs, karma and distorted veils we may have each chosen to take on, so our true 5th dimensional potential can start to be revealed. This class will also touch on how you can work with past lives, dreams, ascended masters/angels/guides, chakras, sacred sexuality, the violet flame and so much more.
This week we will be looking at how you can start to ‘master’ this holographic earth plane and ‘universe’ity of Life by remembering the power of the mind over ‘matter’, the unconscious mind and the inherent illusionary nature of time. Truly understanding that we create 100% of our reality and EVERYTHING we see is a projection of our subjective/personal/collective mind.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." After travelling the various expressions/layers of consciousness, we will then come back ‘down’ to the inherent unwavering Stillness + Unconditional Love of Now. Recognising that you think you know until you realise you know nothing, you think it matters, until you realise none of it matters…it is all relative! An un-ending Mystery that the mind was never intended to grasp.
Throughout the course we will be grounding in the Absolute, whilst simultaneously working on the multi-dimensional aspects of our Being to come into full integration and healing on this current timeline, so we can step ever more fully into our highest potential Now...
And I really want to emphasise this is a ‘journey’! There is no end point we are trying to reach, for in ultimate Absolute truth this ‘end’ point has already been reached. This moment, and You are already utterly whole and complete, beyond any concept of ‘completeness’! And yet an aspect of you has chosen to incarnate into this limited transient form to learn, grown and expand. This journey is an ever-deepening, never-ending re-memebering of this and dissolution into this. A true whole-hearted discovery and realisation that God is both within, and beyond all things, and You are that!
Throughout the course I will be sharing from my own Awakening experience and dissolution of ‘self’ that happened spontaneously in my early 20s. My 15 years experience of teaching Meditation and work of integrating and embodying this infinite Stillness and ‘Peace that passeth all understanding’. My 8 years experience as a Psychotherapist working with clients, and how we can start to heal and integrate the different layers of our humanity. As well as working on the level of the Soul and all ‘times, space and dimensions’ by sharing my work of 10 years, training under a very special Shaman from Australia, and one from France for the last 4 years.
It is deep an honour to walk this path with you…
Other important details re. the course:
Each class will start with a grounding meditation and a long in-depth talk on the week’s specific topic, with a specialised and unique meditation on each theme and ample time for Q+A and group exploration at the end.
Every class will be recorded.
Please be aware - some sessions may go 15 minutes over, as there is so much info to share and explore together :)
All levels of experience welcome + all genders/identities are welcome and no previous experience is necessary.
Ticket Price - £277
(Early bird - £233 - offer ends Oct 15th)
Abundant Price - £333 (for those who are kindly able to support those who are unable to pay ticket price)
To book - please follow the following instructions...
If you are able to pay in one full amount - please email me and I will send you the bank details.
If you would prefer to pay via 3 instalments - please follow the link below and do via ticket tailor - choosing 'Buy Now, Pay Later' when buying ticket. Unfortunately there is a small fee when paying instalments.
I will send you the zoom link and extra information for course - once paid :)
Online 6-Week Course
Thursday 9th November - 14th December, 2023
All levels of experience welcome + all classes will be recorded
I am so INCREDIBLY excited to share this course.
This is the 4th time I have run this 6 week course but due to popular demand I will be running it again before the end of the year.
Each time I run this course, I genuinely feel I am able to share even more deeply and vastly on each topic - as my own ever-widening understanding develops in this incarnation.
A never-ending journey of discovery, embodiment and Descent...
Understanding how we can Awaken to our infinite unlimited Being, beyond the personal 'mind' and then truly start to embody and bring this unconditional Love down into every single aspect, layer and veil of our humanity - so that all can start to be healed and uplifted back to it's original divine Blueprint.
Re-membering our inherent Multi-dimensional Nature and incredible Power, so that we can truly start to Master this current time/space reality, we have each chosen to incarnate/project into...
See in the past 'Awakening' has been predominantly 'transcendent' in nature.
God has been perceived to be 'separate' from matter and this world has been seen as somehow 'less than', and that to reach God we have been taught we need to 'transcend' it. Yet NOW we are called to collectively take the Awakening path of Embodiment and Descent, and to find God Here - to re-member God and this Body, God and Matter, God (that You are) and ALL of life can never be separate.
That only through 'thought' can this imaginary 'separation' occur.
For when we start to drop the layers of the conditioned 'mind' - we can start to experience all of life in it's truest essence - Love - and from that place all of life can start to be brought back into balance again...
And this is what the original Mystery School's would teach...the embodiment of our Infinite nature in this finite form...not Enlightenment 'beyond the body' but Enlightenment 'of the body' - true Cellular Awakening...clearing out the layers of density and distortion, so that divine Love can start to be restored in the Body and a permanent transfiguration/upgrade of our DNA can occur...
We are God consciousness projected into a limited thought - on a journey to re-member that which we have always been...
Our potential for global embodied Awakening on this planet has come, experiencing a quatumn leap in Consciousness, and truly creating ‘Heaven on Earth’ is finally here.
In truth it has aways been here - we are now just collectively choosing to align to that timeline.
This is a very deep, comic, powerful and integrated course of RE-MEMBRANCE.
I guarantee you will not be the same person by the end of these 6 weeks ;)
The course will run as follows…
Before moving into ‘time’ we will spend the first week, grounding and anchoring ourselves in the Timeless. Re-membering and truly experiencing the ground of our Being, unconditional Love and infinite Peace that lies inherent to every moment, beneath the narrative of the mind. This is one of the most important weeks that will create the template for the rest of the course…
After rooting in the Infinite - we will then turn towards the finite. This week will be an accumulation of my work as as psychotherapist - and understanding how from this place of deep Presence, we can start to move towards and work with our current incarnation, personal ‘story’, narratives, emotions, shadow aspects and trauma. How we can truly start to embrace and accept ALL aspects of our humanity, and come into an ever-deepening secure, loving, and healthy relationship with ourselves and ultimately the world…'the kindest thing'.
Through this class we will re-member and deeply experience this sacred Star Temple/inter-connected Earth body as both a symbolic expression of our current personal ‘self’ and unconscious, as well as an Impersonal, fully Awakened doorway to the Infinite. Through this class we will truly start to embody + ground this Awakening ‘down’ by truly experiencing this Holy pleasure vehicle as God/Love in expression. No longer a ‘transcendent’ form Awakening but true ‘cellular Enlightenment’.
Through this class we will be working on the level of the Soul - re-membering our Multi-dimensional nature that is currently experiencing, many lifetimes, incarnations, realties and timelines all within this Now. Subsequently exploring how we can start to easily work with, clear and re-balance the various contracts, vows, programs, karma and distorted veils we may have each chosen to take on, so our true 5th dimensional potential can start to be revealed. This class will also touch on how you can work with past lives, dreams, ascended masters/angels/guides, chakras, sacred sexuality, the violet flame and so much more.
This week we will be looking at how you can start to ‘master’ this holographic earth plane and ‘universe’ity of Life by remembering the power of the mind over ‘matter’, the unconscious mind and the inherent illusionary nature of time. Truly understanding that we create 100% of our reality and EVERYTHING we see is a projection of our subjective/personal/collective mind.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." After travelling the various expressions/layers of consciousness, we will then come back ‘down’ to the inherent unwavering Stillness + Unconditional Love of Now. Recognising that you think you know until you realise you know nothing, you think it matters, until you realise none of it matters…it is all relative! An un-ending Mystery that the mind was never intended to grasp.
Throughout the course we will be grounding in the Absolute, whilst simultaneously working on the multi-dimensional aspects of our Being to come into full integration and healing on this current timeline, so we can step ever more fully into our highest potential Now...
And I really want to emphasise this is a ‘journey’! There is no end point we are trying to reach, for in ultimate Absolute truth this ‘end’ point has already been reached. This moment, and You are already utterly whole and complete, beyond any concept of ‘completeness’! And yet an aspect of you has chosen to incarnate into this limited transient form to learn, grown and expand. This journey is an ever-deepening, never-ending re-memebering of this and dissolution into this. A true whole-hearted discovery and realisation that God is both within, and beyond all things, and You are that!
Throughout the course I will be sharing from my own Awakening experience and dissolution of ‘self’ that happened spontaneously in my early 20s. My 15 years experience of teaching Meditation and work of integrating and embodying this infinite Stillness and ‘Peace that passeth all understanding’. My 8 years experience as a Psychotherapist working with clients, and how we can start to heal and integrate the different layers of our humanity. As well as working on the level of the Soul and all ‘times, space and dimensions’ by sharing my work of 10 years, training under a very special Shaman from Australia, and one from France for the last 4 years.
It is deep an honour to walk this path with you…
Other important details re. the course:
Each class will start with a grounding meditation and a long in-depth talk on the week’s specific topic, with a specialised and unique meditation on each theme and ample time for Q+A and group exploration at the end.
Every class will be recorded.
Please be aware - some sessions may go 15 minutes over, as there is so much info to share and explore together :)
All levels of experience welcome + all genders/identities are welcome and no previous experience is necessary.
Ticket Price - £277
(Early bird - £233 - offer ends Oct 15th)
Abundant Price - £333 (for those who are kindly able to support those who are unable to pay ticket price)
To book - please follow the following instructions...
If you are able to pay in one full amount - please email me and I will send you the bank details.
If you would prefer to pay via 3 instalments - please follow the link below and do via ticket tailor - choosing 'Buy Now, Pay Later' when buying ticket. Unfortunately there is a small fee when paying instalments.
I will send you the zoom link and extra information for course - once paid :)
One-day Winter Retreat
Sunday 3rd December
Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
All levels of experience welcome
My deepest wish is simply to sit in Silence with as many people as possible this lifetime.
To share in this unnamable, wordless, timeless Presence that is always right Here, simultaneously existing beneath the narrative of our conditioned ‘mind’.
Allowing ourselves to truly rest Here so that all that has become lost or distorted, can start to be welcomed Home in the unconditional Love that You are.
And this is why this ‘Winter Retreat’ - now the 5th one I have done of this kind - is honestly one of my favourite’s!
A whole day dedicated to truly dissolving into the infinite Stillness of our Being.
Allowing ourselves to experience the ‘Peace that passeth all understanding’ that is always inherently Here, beyond our personal ‘story’ of thoughts.
Allowing all to be quiet so that this inherent beloved Silence, can start to come back to the foreground of Life…
And all can start to be brought back into balance again…
Into Love
Into Harmony
And into Truth…
This will be a very special day, aligning with the Holy darkness of Winter, we shall turn inwards together to re-member and truly experience the infinite Silence within and around us. Allowing all to be released that is no longer serving us from this year and allow ourselves to turn ever-more deeply to the darkest night of the year ahead so all can start to be re-born…
This will be a day of deep healing, nourishment and Awakening.
A day to truly come back to your Self…
‘Where 2 or more gather in my name there I Am’…
10.30am -12.30pm - Opening Ceremony - This morning session will include talk and then a very deep guided Stillness meditation, contemplation and gentle movement with Q + A to finish.
12.30-2pm - A delicious and nourishing vegan lunch and chance to sit, wander and relax in the multi-award winning garden
2-4pm – In the afternoon we shall sit by the fire and have space to truly reflect on this year and all we are now ready to release. We will then spend time outside, walking the magical wildflower labyrinth in contemplation and mindfulness. Dropping ever-more deeply into the Silence both within and without.
4-4.30pm - Tea Break and Silent Contemplation
5-5.30pm – Closing Ceremony w/ Silent sitting and sound healing.
Limited spaces available
Tickets are £125
All levels of experience welcome.
To book your place - please email me at [email protected]
One-day Winter Retreat
Sunday 3rd December
Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
All levels of experience welcome
My deepest wish is simply to sit in Silence with as many people as possible this lifetime.
To share in this unnamable, wordless, timeless Presence that is always right Here, simultaneously existing beneath the narrative of our conditioned ‘mind’.
Allowing ourselves to truly rest Here so that all that has become lost or distorted, can start to be welcomed Home in the unconditional Love that You are.
And this is why this ‘Winter Retreat’ - now the 5th one I have done of this kind - is honestly one of my favourite’s!
A whole day dedicated to truly dissolving into the infinite Stillness of our Being.
Allowing ourselves to experience the ‘Peace that passeth all understanding’ that is always inherently Here, beyond our personal ‘story’ of thoughts.
Allowing all to be quiet so that this inherent beloved Silence, can start to come back to the foreground of Life…
And all can start to be brought back into balance again…
Into Love
Into Harmony
And into Truth…
This will be a very special day, aligning with the Holy darkness of Winter, we shall turn inwards together to re-member and truly experience the infinite Silence within and around us. Allowing all to be released that is no longer serving us from this year and allow ourselves to turn ever-more deeply to the darkest night of the year ahead so all can start to be re-born…
This will be a day of deep healing, nourishment and Awakening.
A day to truly come back to your Self…
‘Where 2 or more gather in my name there I Am’…
10.30am -12.30pm - Opening Ceremony - This morning session will include talk and then a very deep guided Stillness meditation, contemplation and gentle movement with Q + A to finish.
12.30-2pm - A delicious and nourishing vegan lunch and chance to sit, wander and relax in the multi-award winning garden
2-4pm – In the afternoon we shall sit by the fire and have space to truly reflect on this year and all we are now ready to release. We will then spend time outside, walking the magical wildflower labyrinth in contemplation and mindfulness. Dropping ever-more deeply into the Silence both within and without.
4-4.30pm - Tea Break and Silent Contemplation
5-5.30pm – Closing Ceremony w/ Silent sitting and sound healing.
Limited spaces available
Tickets are £125
All levels of experience welcome.
To book your place - please email me at [email protected]